Do You Have to Respond to DCM Services? Navigating Debt Collection After a Loved One’s Passing


Dealing with debt collection agencies can be stressful, especially when you’re grieving the loss of a loved one. If you’ve received communication from DCM Services, you’re likely wondering whether you have to respond and how to handle the situation. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore your rights, options, and steps to take when dealing with DCM Services after a family member’s death.

Understanding DCM Services

What Is DCM Services?

DCM Services LLC, also known as Deceased Case Management Services, is a legitimate debt collection agency. Their primary focus is collecting debts owed by individuals who have recently passed away. When a person dies, their outstanding debts become part of their estate, and DCM Services steps in to collect on behalf of creditors.

Here are key details about DCM Services:

  • Services Provided: DCM Services specializes in estate debt collection.
  • Contact Information:
    • Phone: 877-326-8786
    • Address: 1550 American Blvd E Suite 200, Bloomington, MN 55425
    • Email:

Why Is DCM Services Contacting You?

If you’ve received communication from DCM Services, it’s likely because a deceased family member had an unpaid debt. DCM Services reaches out to immediate family members to collect overdue debts, even though the debts are not directly theirs.

Your Consumer Rights When Dealing with DCM Services

Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA)

Before responding to DCM Services, it’s essential to know your rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). Debt collectors must adhere to specific rules, including:

  1. Limitations on Communication:
    • Debt collectors cannot call you multiple times a day or contact you at unauthorized hours (before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m.).
    • They must not threaten you with arrest or use abusive language.
  2. Verification of Debt:
    • You have the right to request verification of the debt. Send a debt validation letter to DCM Services to confirm the validity of the debt.
  3. Dispute the Debt:
    • If you believe the debt is inaccurate or not owed, you can dispute it with DCM Services.

DCM Services Reviews and Complaints

While DCM Services is accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB) with an A+ rating, consumer reviews tell a different story. Many individuals have reported issues with DCM Services, including:

  • Lack of Debt Information: DCM Services fails to provide detailed information about the debt.
  • Harassment: Some complainants feel harassed by frequent letters and calls after losing a loved one.
  • False Debts: There have been cases of DCM Services claiming false debts.

How to Respond to DCM Services

Step 1: Send a Debt Validation Letter

  • Request verification of the debt by sending a debt validation letter to DCM Services.
  • Ask for details about the debt, including the original creditor, amount owed, and any supporting documentation.

Step 2: Decide What to Do Next

Consider the following options:

  1. Dispute the Debt:
    • If you find inaccuracies or believe the debt is not valid, dispute it with DCM Services.
    • They must investigate and provide evidence of the debt’s validity.
  2. Negotiate a Settlement:
    • If the debt is valid, negotiate with DCM Services.
    • You may be able to settle for a reduced amount. Ensure any agreement is in writing.
  3. Respond to a Lawsuit:
    • If DCM Services sues you, do not panic. Respond to the lawsuit promptly.
    • You can represent yourself and respond using SoloSuit’s free Answer form.

Can DCM Services Sue You?

Yes, DCM Services has the right to sue if you owe a valid debt. Address the debt promptly to avoid legal consequences.


Navigating debt collection after a loved one’s passing is emotionally challenging. Remember your rights, validate the debt, and choose the best course of action. Seek legal advice if needed, and take things one step at a time.