Silent Stalkers: Why Does Midland Credit Management Call But Leave No Message?

Why Does Midland Credit Management Call But Leave No Message
Why Does Midland Credit Management Call But Leave No Message

Have you been getting silent calls from a number you don’t recognize, only to discover it’s “Midland Credit Management”? You’re not alone. Many people experience this frustrating scenario – “Midland Credit Management calls but leaves no message?” This blog post dives into the possible reasons behind these silent calls and what you can do about them.

Understanding Midland Credit Management

Midland Credit Management isn’t the original creditor you may have owed money to. They’re a debt collection agency that purchases defaulted debts at a discount. Their goal is to collect the full amount owed from the original debtor, you.

Why the Silent Treatment?

There are a few potential explanations for why “Midland Credit Management calls but leaves no message”:

  • Compliance with Regulations: The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) restricts debt collectors from leaving voicemails at your workplace or if someone under 18 might answer. They might be avoiding potential FDCPA violations by not leaving messages at all.
  • Trying to Reach You Directly: Sometimes, debt collectors prefer speaking directly with the debtor to increase their chances of collecting the debt. Leaving a message might lead to someone else answering, which hinders their collection efforts.
  • Fishing for Information: There’s a possibility they’re using these silent calls to confirm your phone number is active. Once confirmed, they might follow up with a more detailed message or a live call.

What Should You Do?

Here are some steps to consider when “Midland Credit Management calls but leaves no message”:

  • Don’t Panic: These silent calls are often a tactic, not a threat. However, it’s important to understand your rights and take action if necessary.
  • Track the Calls: If the calls are persistent, note down the date, time, and phone number. This information can be helpful if you need to file a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).
  • Consider Answering: If you choose to answer, be polite but firm. Ask for the caller’s name, company, and the nature of their call. Don’t admit to the debt or agree to any payment plans without verifying the details in writing.
  • Request Written Communication: You have the right to request that Midland Credit Management only contact you via written communication, such as letters sent to your mailing address. This can help you avoid unwanted phone calls.

Here’s a template you can use:

I would prefer to receive all communication from you in writing. Please send any further correspondence to [your mailing address].”

  • Report Violations: If the calls become harassing or violate the FDCPA, file a complaint with the CFPB .

Remember, you have rights! Don’t let “Midland Credit Management calls but leaves no message” leave you feeling powerless. By understanding their tactics and taking appropriate action, you can regain control of the situation.


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